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Amplitudes@IITI 25

IIT Indore Department of Physics and String Theory group hosts Amplitudes@IITI from this first edition. We are happy to welcome all participants!

17-22 Jan, Venue: Seminar Hall (LRC ground floor)


Talks and References

Siddharth Prabhu: Flat Space Holography

Plan of talks

1) Where does all the information in the universe reside?

A central goal in our quest to understand nature is the ability to predict observables, i.e., the outcomes of experiments. In order to make such predictions, we need to gain complete knowledge of the present state of the system of interest, and then employ the physical laws governing the evolution of the system. Let us consider the whole universe as our system. If we wish to predict the future of the universe and postdict its past, we might expect that we need to make observations everywhere in the universe. However, recently, we have come to suspect a radical departure from this expectation. In this talk, I will provide an accessible introduction to the idea that all the information in the universe could be available to observers who are only on its boundary. I will also discuss the implications of the boundary description for understanding bulk gravitational processes, and for resolving longstanding questions about the nature of black holes. I will end with an overview of our progress in understanding how this information is encoded on the boundary. This overview will be expanded upon in the subsequent talks.

2) Asymptotically flat spacetimes and the holographic nature of quantum information storage

Consider any region of the universe with the boundary far away from any masses. The mathematical description of such a region is captured by the notion of asymptotically flat spacetimes. We will introduce these space-times and their boundary structure. For massless fields, the relevant boundary is null infinity. We will describe the associated gravitational phase space and the Hilbert space of states both in four and higher dimensions. Restricting to massless states in four dimensions, we will argue that observers only at the past of future null infinity have access to the full information of these states that observers in all of the spacetime do.

3) Bulk and boundary correlators, their conformality, and an organizing principle for Feynman diagrams

Dynamical information about interactions occurring in the bulk of the space-time is captured in the S-matrix, entries of which are probabilities of transitions between states. We describe how the S-matrix is encoded in the boundary correlators of flat spacetimes. Usually, for convenience, field theory correlators and S-matrix elements are computed in momentum space. However, for the purposes of a boundary description, we would like to be able to compute them directly in position space. We describe our progress towards making the position space computation tractable. We find that all correlators can be cast as if they were coming from the more symmetric conformal field theories, where computations can, and usually are, carried out in position space. Regardless of our motivations, this representation could be used as a new approach to computing observables for non-gravitational processes too, such as those regularly probed in various laboratories including colliders. As another aside, we are led to a new principle that organizes the usual momentum space Feynman diagrams and could aid in their computation. 

Arnab Priya Saha: Bootstrapping String Amplitudes

Plan of talks

I will first introduce fixed t dispersion relation. Then I will talk about two-channel symmetric dispersion relation. From this I will show how to obtain the local version of the dispersion relation. As an application I will consider tree-level open string amplitude. If time permits, I can also mention about fully crossing symmetric dispersion relation. I can also explain the bootstrap set up if people are interested. 
The references are:
Rigorous Parametric Dispersion Representation with Three-Channel Symmetry | Phys. Rev. D 
[2012.04877] Crossing Symmetric Dispersion Relations in QFTs
[2107.06559] QFT, EFT and GFT
[2305.03669] Crossing Symmetric Dispersion Relations without Spurious Singularities
[2401.05733] Field theory expansions of string theory amplitudes
[2409.18259] Bootstrapping string models with entanglement minimization and Machine-Learning

Krishna Jalan : Algebraic approach to QFT

Plan of talks

some references that might be useful, although the content in them may be repetitive:


1. Witten's notes:

2. Sorce's notes:

3. Haag's book: Local Quantum Physics, chapters III, V.

4. Witten's paper:

Arvind Shekhar: Replica analysis of entanglement properties and conditions for islands



Entanglement entropy quantifies the degree of entanglement between two quantum systems or between two subregions in a QFT and hence is an important tool to understand the quantum system. However, its study in dimensions > 2 has been mostly limited to flat backgrounds and CFT vacuum states in specific subregions due to technical as well as conceptual difficulties. In this talk, I will present a systematic analysis of the properties of entanglement entropy in curved backgrounds using the replica approach. We will explore the analytic (q-1) expansion of Rényi entropy S_q and its variations; the setup applies to generic variations, from symmetry transformations to variations of the background metric or entangling region. Our methodology elegantly reproduces and generalises results from the literature on entanglement entropy in different dimensions, backgrounds, and states. We will then use this analytic expansion to explore the behaviour of entanglement entropy in static black hole backgrounds under specific scaling transformations. We will show that certain conditions on this quantity and hence the QFT spectrum have to be satisfied for the presence of islands of entanglement, which provide enough quantum corrections to restore unitarity in black hole evaporation.

Godwin Martin: An Exterior Field Theory for Hawking Radiation



How does one understand scattering processes around a black hole? In particular, how does one set up a field-theoretic understanding for falling into a black hole as well receiving Hawking fluctuations from the black hole? I will try to answer these questions in the limited setting of an AdS$_{d+1}$ Schwarzschild black brane.

Our Goal

To make Pedagogical reviews available to new students joining the field of string theory

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