Faculty Members

Manavendra N Mahato
Associate Professor
I am working in the area of holography. Here we deal with those theories of gravity which contain a lot of information about its boundary encoded in its geometry. The information about the boundary may correspond to some quantum field theory such as non-Abelian Yang Mills theory, conformal field theory, or a condensed matter theory or fluid dynamics. Since the boundary theory has one less dimension, this relation is called holographic principle. Other popular name is gauge/gravity correspondence as the most of the research in this area so far has been done to investigate properties of various gauge theories, notably conformal field theories. Most concrete and well studied version is known as AdS/CFT ( anti de Sitter/ conformal field theory) correspondence.
1D 307, Chromium Building, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
(Office): 731-2438742 (Mobile): 882796-fifty-sixty
Homepage: Manav Mahato
String theory provides the best possible framework to study Einstein's theory of gravity (the classical theory of general relativity), and the theory of quantum fields (appearing in e.g. standard model of particle physics) under the same umbrella. Einstein spent almost half a century trying to understand this unification and if you are interested in and driven by similar motivations, then you share the same interests as I do.
Clearly, this is a tough problem. Much like Einstein, we are still looking for the correct answer, but over the last two-three decades the developments in theoretical physics has finally led us to believe that we might finally be pretty close! This has been possible with the discovery of the celebrated AdS/CFT correspondence by Maldacena, utilizing insights from string theory. Originally, according to this `duality', a theory of quantum gravity in Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime is nothing but a theory of conformal fields (CFT) in disguise.
The necessity of asking such fundamental questions about unification and their 'applications' show up in the most distinguished (and sometimes the least expected) places. After the inception of AdS/CFT, it has been applied in unravelling Hawking's black hole information problem, in the theory of quantum information, many-body physics, cosmology etc. Each of these subjects are pillars of theoretical physics themselves, and AdS/CFT brings them together in a remarkable fashion.
AdS/CFT has provided one of the most productive research grounds over the last few decades, and it seems safe to say that it will continue to steer the present and forthcoming generations of theoretical physicists.

Debajyoti Sarkar
Assistant Professor
1D 606, Chromium Building, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
+91 731 660 3100 3211
Homepage: Debajyoti Sarkar

Mritunjay Kumar Verma
Assistant Professor
Homepage: Mritunjay Verma
I am currently interested in some aspects of AdS/CFT correspondence, higher spin fields, CFTs and string field theory. Areas in which I have worked in past include
Superstring perturbation theory
String field theory
AdS CFT correspondence
Soft theorems
CHY amplitudes
Pure spinor formalism
Mellin amplitudes for CFTs
Momentum space CFTs
Vacuum decay
Some aspects of higher spin theories
D 133, LRC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
Postdoctoral Fellows

Gourav Katoch
Research interest:​
HB 210, CITC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
Research Scholars
Research interest:​​
HB 108, CITC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020

Avik Chakrabortty

Research interest:​​
HB 210, CITC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
Bhim Sen

Research interest:​​
HB 210, CITC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020
Mrityunjay Nath
Research interest:​​
HB 108, CITC, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452020

Pratik Das