Group Approach
Theoretical high-energy physics group at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore is committed to fostering a dynamic and inclusive research environment. Our approach emphasizes continuous innovation and open dialogue, enabling us to address complex challenges in the field. We value feedback and collaboration, and are dedicated to pushing the frontiers of theoretical high-energy physics.

Past events:
1. National Strings Meeting (NSM) at IIT Ropar. 9th December to 14th December 2024.
2. In person workshop on `Observable algebras in field theory and gravity' at IIT Mandi. 16th February to 17th February 2024.
3. 2023 edition of biennial Indian Strings Meeting (ISM). Host institute IIT Bombay. 10th December to 16th December, 2023.
4. Second edition of JulyPhy meeting on the topic `Observable algebras in field theory and gravity' (online). 20th July to 23rd July 2023.
5. Our strings and gravity group was the local organizer for the 2022 edition of ST4 student's workshop (4th to 15th July).
6. Our strings and gravity group took part in organizing the first edition of JulyPhy workshop, to be held at IIT Mandi (3rd to 8th July, 2022).